, pub-2724178744314489, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Thick stencil cm 12X25 - Create Happiness Secret Diary dream
Available from the end of May

Thick stencil cm 12X25 - Create Happiness Secret Diary dream

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Size: 12cmX25cm


EN: Thick stencil made of resistant, transparent and flexible material. It is advisable to wash them every time after use before the color gets dry.

IT: Lo stencil spesso realizzato in materiale resistente, trasparente e flessibile. Si consiglia di lavarli ogni volta dopo l'uso prima che il colore si asciughi.

FR: Le pochoir épais en matériau résistant, transparent et souple. Il est conseillé de les laver après chaque utilisation avant que la couleur ne sèche.

ES: El stencil Grueso fabricado en material resistente, transparente y flexible. Es recomendable lavarlos cada vez que se usen antes de que el color se seque.

DE: Die dicke Schablone aus widerstandsfähigem, transparentem und flexiblem Material. Es ist ratsam, sie nach jedem Gebrauch zu waschen, bevor die Farbe trocknet.

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